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Jamie and his sons were sitting around the campfire having a few beers and talking about beer, naturally. His oldest was about to leave for college, so Jamie encouraged him to think for himself when it came to drinking alcohol, regardless of the peanut gallery's opinions. Making a rational choice feels pretty damn why not screw the rules, make that radical choice and own the moment? They got pretty fired up about the idea of crafting a non-alc beer that doesn't play by the rules. They started brewing RationAle and haven’t looked back since.
Jamie Fay
Co-Founder & CEO
Jamie is the proud co-founder of RationAle. He took a risk and followed his entrepreneurial passion, investing everything into the small “fad” category that was once NA Beer. Since then, NA Beer has blown up, and Jamie is stoked to watch it skyrocket. He’s (obviously) a huge beer fan himself. On any given weekend, he’ll crush a couple RationAles, move into the high ABV Hazy IPA’s, then always come back for a RationAle as his nightcap. You’ll never meet a bigger craft brew fan, or a more rad and dedicated co-founder.
Wendy Pickett
Co-Founder & EVP of Sales
Wendy is the co-founder of RationAle, and a sales superwoman. She took a risk and left her previous industry behind, putting all of her passion and trust into building RationAle into the brand it is today. She loves getting in front of customers to share the righteousness of a RationAle brew and creating a community of mavericks that drink how and when they want, without the booze pressure.


The Sober Bartender
Hutch is the most rad sober bartender you’ve ever met, and he’s going on 4 years strong without booze. When he’s not bartending, you’ll find him coaching high school football, jammin’ out to vinyl records, or doing literally anything outside. Oh yeah, and he also manages all things social media for RationAle. Hutch is paving his own wild path every day, and is a living, breathing manifestation of what it means to be a true maverick. Keep doing you, boss.
The Design King
Meet the man behind RationAle’s edgy design, Zach. He spends just as much time exploring design and new places as he does exploring new beers. Take a close look at the landscape collages on the RationAle cans and you’ll realize of lot of it comes from Zach’s own travels and trailblazing. He’s often on the go exploring new spots, but he’ll always be loyal to his home base, Colorado. It’s got mountains and great beer after all…what more could you ask for?
The Media Maven
Jess is a proud RationAle partner, founder of her own performance PR firm, and co-founder of a sleep wellness company. She’s a total people person and she’s a ray of real-life sunshine. She’s always down for a wild adventure, especially if it has anything to do with being outside in either of her fav places, CA or CO. She fills her cup up with a hearty dose of fun and good vibes…and plenty of RationAle. Jess has all the fun, drinks all the beer, and is fired up to do ALL the things. Cheers to our ultimate Renaissance woman!
The College Legend
Tyler goes to the University of Alabama (Roll Tide!) and he’s in a big frat on campus. Surrounded by the social norm of constant partying, he’s mastered the art of having a damn good time and being a total badass, while still drinking his way. You know that the mini fridge in his college apartment is stocked full of RationAle (and we can’t forget his other fav, Deschutes Fresh Haze). Whether ABV or NA, he can shotgun one in 3 seconds flat. Say hi to Tyler the next time you see him stocking shelves or scoping out hot new retailers when he’s hangin’ in SD for the summer!
The Action Enthusiast
Chris is a broadcast play-by-play expert for surfing, skateboarding, snowboarding, and other action sports. His favorite job, though, is being a rad dad to two teenage boys. When he’s not surfing, skating, playing music, DJ’ing, or making art, he’s probably creating content for RationAle while throwin’ back a cold NA. Also an investor in RationAle, he’s a total enthusiast - The only time you’ll see him without a can in his hand is if he’s picking a guitar or out in the water shredding.
The Sales Hunter
Billy loves nothing more than the hunt of the sale. And he enjoys selling nothing more than a non-alcoholic beer that not only pours and tastes like a classic brew, but makes a positive impact on entire communities as they change their approach to drinking. If you’re out west, you might just catch a glimpse of this sales stud driving like mad on the open road, covering 6,000 miles a month, closing accounts left and right, and slugging back RationAles. Keep your eyes peeled.


We're expanding rapidly and looking for Mavericks to join our growing team.

Regional Sales Manager

San Francisco, CA


Regional Sales Manager

Denver, CO

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